My First collect of art.
its compiled of 4 yes, just 4 lovely pieces of motherhood
each one means something different
all mean so so so much to me, I hope you love them so!
All are available for purchase, Here.
You know, That first time you hold your new baby. It's just you and that darling bundle of joy, the embrace is never ending, the love, the admiration, the newness and fear and excitement and contentment and every single last emotion that washes over you in that moment... its those feelings & emotions i held in my heart as i painted this.
Mothers first kiss, this bright orange color surrounding mother and baby is for strength. Although there is many things surrounding you and your infant, nothing holds more strength than a mothers kiss.
Mother and baby are placed to the side for a reason, the right side. This is because those first few months everything around you, all the lives all the noise all the distractions keep happening but those aren't your focus. The little one in your arms is your focus and that is *right* where it should be.
A Mothers embrace. Protection is what kept flowing through my mind as i calmly painted the blue that hugs her mother and child. as long as mother embraces you - that calm feeling that all is well in the world comes with her embrace.
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